EFTP DailyChineseChessThePoison

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This page introduces the way of Tencent who uses to employ game inequalities in order to earn money from players in an unethical practice. Additionally, the page also documents information of Zhihuese's use in the game.


Similar to other online games developed by Tencent, Tiantian Xiangqi, a game that provides players with interface to start tournaments of the pure Chinese Chess as well as one another variant of the most popular play, also has ineuqalities which treat frequent, non-paid customers with more failures in Jieqi tournaments. Jieqi, a varient in addition to the official Chinese Chess play, intents to enhance experiences of players by gaining uncertainties of uncovered pieces and adding abilities of additional functionalities of particular types of pieces where their moves in tranditional games are limited to the particular fields; however, players who do not cater Tencent with money would suffer increased failures of Jieqi tournaments which may gain added bad experiences in addition to game looses, and as a result, probably expediting the process of purchasing more in-game currencies as players may expect for winning back and advancing to new ranking levels that classified by the game.