Old Miraheze Wiki Pages:CNPP IncorrectUseChineseList-UnscientificTerms

From The LI AO Wiki
Revision as of 20:34, 28 August 2024 by THIS>Liao (Changed language to match the description methology of Chinese page; changed hierarchy of article to correspond to Chinese page. *REMAKRS: A DNS zone which serves the Internet domain liao.media on Azure DNS constituted to the successful submission of this version of the page.)

Purpose of This Page

This page should be listing Chinese terms crafted for use on different scientific subjects which do not comply with the requirements of the scientifically dipiction of meanings as a natural language. Because the Chinese Language Preservation Project aims to provide Chinese users with educational resources, the Chinese version should have the contents; instead the English page is created for convenience purposes of the MediaWiki system in the future that multi-language support may be supported.

In order to help maintain dominance of authentic Chinese use in Chinese-speaking communities, this educational resources is presented by Li Ao and access to the resources is provided free.

Methodology on Annotating Possible Nature of Crafting Unscientific Terms

(to be finished)

List of Words Having Unscientific Issues

Please refer to the Chinese pages for a list of words that are having issues with unscientific problems.