PermanentlyLeavingChina Checklist
Information on this page is for private use only.
Useful Information
1. A debit card was not taken for travel.
-- Card number: 3705 0868 2277 821
-- Expiry date: 11/2032
-- Security code: 0262
2. Card (number -6658) has disabled the functionality of gateway debits; only card-present transactions may be taken place.
3. USB token taken for travel.
4. CITIC Bank card can be used with any CVC for online transaction, and that the issuer will verify with SMS OTP. For example:--
i. Card number: 5282255800007088
ii. Expiry date: 11/2029
iii. Secure code: 525
This applies to also CITIC Bank's UnionPay cards.
5. Open a bank account upon arrival in Malaysia. Negotiate with the bank if being stopped. Take advantage of my good heritage to resolve problems -- I should have the ability to solve it!
6. Request a POS terminal for money transfers, if possible.
Checklist Before Travel
Please see the respective Audit Wiki page for info.
Checklist After Arrival
Please also see the same Audit Wiki page for info.