CNPP DeepDiveFundamentalsCauseZhihueseP-I18102024

From The LI AO Wiki


This article should be educating Chinese users on how to use standardised, formal Chinese, with the purpose of eliminating Tencent's continued efforts on poisoning the Chinese language comminity. Therefore, because of limited time and spirits, an English copy is not yet provided.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience, but for the moment educating Chinese people in this regard is more important than letting Westerners know the real cause. If you really want to know what's behind the scene, please try using a machine translator first; and if you're unable to, contact Li Ao using the details on the main page.

I understand and again, attest that English is among the official working languages, as per my internal policy. I hope that in the future when I'm able to move out of my country, I'll be filled with more time and, update the article for an English version. Making the decision of not preparing an English version of the article is not based on language preferences, but is in consideration of addressing a more severe problem Chinese people are facing.